Create an impact with your
presentation style whether you speak to one or one thousand -
whether you are creating a sale or an attitude. Learn how to make effective presentations a part of your
sales strategy. Six Strategic Systems Learning Audio Tapes cover
the following presentation topics: |
- Communicating Success -
Non-Verbal Techniques:
- Benefits & pitfalls of
hand gestures.
- How to take charge of your
- Sincerity through effective
eye contact.
- Demonstrating Confidence:
- Putting defeat to work for
- 4 "don'ts" to maintain
control of yourself & your presentation.
- 7 dynamic ways to maximize
your nervous energy.
- Motivating Listeners to
Understand and Take Action:
- How to highlight the WIIFM
(What's in it for me)
- How to effectively use stories,
examples & anecdotes to make your point.
- Motivating listeners throughout
your ENTIRE presentation.
- Creating Impact with Visual
- 5 keys to designing visual
aides with impact.
- Types of visual aides available
to today's presenter.
- How to create a dynamite
speech with visual aides.
- Designing Action Oriented
- Opening your presentation
with a bang!
- The best way to assemble
notes that will work for you.
- Develop endings that get
ACTION form your listeners.
- Handling Questions Like
a Pro:
- 8 steps to handling questions
- Defusing "loaded questions."
- Planning ahead for tough
- Preventing Problems Before
They Occur:
- 15 problems & How to
anticipate & handle them.
- Hecklers - how to deal with
- Audio - becoming part of
the problem.
- Sharpening Your Professional
- How to deliver a manuscript.
- 5 ways to look good at a
lectern or podium.
- Last minute checks to ensure
You can Order Strategic Systems On-line

To Schedule a Speaking Engagement or
Consultation with David W. Richardson, CSP Call 1-800-338-5831,
480-451-8808 or e-mail us at speaking@richspeaking.com
