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Meet & Greet















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Meet and Greet a New Client 

David W. Richardson, CSP, provides professional coaching and consultation to construction companies, architectural firms, engineering, electrical, and environmental companies preparing for an interview or presentation for a decision making selection committee. 

Working with team members in a group, as well as one on one, he helps each individual prepare and rehearse his/her part of the interview.  His unique approach has enabled many companies to win high profile, seven- to eight-figure projects. 

This 3-hour program will help senior management become more at ease and conduct more meaningful and effective meetings with their prospective clients. 

The following key points are addressed in the workshop: 

1.     Identify your unique strategic positioning in your marketplace, strengths, advantages, etc. and how to leverage it during a “Meet and Greet” interview with a new client. 

2.     Who the client is, i.e., position, rank, sphere of influence, etc.; what their gut level motivations are and how they make decisions. 

3.     Identify resources for locating new prospects and clients. 

4.     Strategic vs. tactical questions.  Most senior executives/managers, project managers, etc. use “tactical” questions as the focus of their client interview.  In this workshop you will learn the definition of “strategic” questions and how and why to use them to achieve your “Meet and Greet” objectives.  By directing specific questions to your prospective clients, you will quickly entice them to talk about themselves in ways you never dreamed of. 

5.     Discussion of specific strategic questions.  Explanation of their meaning, value, and how and when to use them. 

6.     Practice through role play.  Break into small groups and discuss the validity of the approach, formulate your plan, and role play with team members. 

7.     Evaluate the success of the group discussion. 

8.     Develop a strategy for your next client interview. 

At the conclusion of this workshop you will be able to conduct the client interview by focusing on them, their needs and wants, and how you can provide economic solutions to their project needs. 

Time:  3 hours

Attendees:  10-15

To Schedule a Speaking Engagement or 
Consultation with David W. Richardson, CSP 
Call 1-800-338-5831,
480-451-8808 or e-mail us at

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