I've climbed in the Rockies, the Tetons, the Appalachians, the Adirondacks, and the Alps. Nothing . . . absolutely nothing compares with the Himalayas.  Spectacular mountains, 22,000 ft. and above, completely surrounding me on my trek to Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world at 29,029 ft. 
     Share with me the overwhelming challenges, the humorous situations, life in a frozen tent at 17,500 ft., no showers for two weeks, the wonderful, happy shoeless sherpas who supported the expedition, and the absolute horror of vertigo at high altitude.
     This trip of a lifetime is documented in the highlights and more vividly described in the daily trip report. For your convenience I have prepared this so you can jump into the report and read the highlights, or join me on this fascinating journey totally out of my comfort zone.
     My life-changing experience from this journey has been transformed into a powerful keynote address challenging people to "Step Out of Your Comfort Zone."
     Whether it is that tough sales call, a challenging speech you will be making, or maybe a serious talk with your children, we all recognize the edges of our comfort zone and are challenged to take that first step.
     Read the story . . . take that step with me.

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